According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is a condition that consists of three aspects: good health, a sense of psychological comfort, and maintaining proper social relationships. However, there are many other definitions when it comes to the term mental health in sociological, medical, or psychological terms. How to maintain your mental health?
What is mental health?
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as a state of physical, mental and social well-being of a person, as well as their ability to develop and self-actualize. As you can see, these are very broad concepts, and their understanding is very subjective and depends on the environment and culture in which we are raised.
It is worth remembering that mental health should not only be understood as the absence of any diseases. It is also a state when we live in self-esteem, we have opportunities for development, we feel responsible for what our life looks like, and we get involved in the life of our social group, we work, we enter into relationships.
Mental health – psyche vs. psyche
The ancient concept of psyche was initially very narrow in scope, as it mainly referred to the immaterial soul, but the more psychology developed, the wider the concept became. Currently, the concept of human psyche refers to all features, predispositions and mental mechanisms that are related to emotions, life experience and intellect. For this reason, the concept of the modern psyche is broader than the meaning of the term psyche. However, despite everything, these two terms are used interchangeably today as a term for the human psyche.
Mental health disorders
The role of mental health is an increasingly common topic discussed by professionals. In recent years, the WHO’s definition of health has been broadened to include mental health. All the data on mental disorders collected each year clearly indicate that mental health problems are on the rise. Depression is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorders. This disease affects as many as 120 million people worldwide and is responsible for as many as 20% of disability cases worldwide.
The data show a significant increase in the number of suicides, which has increased by as much as 60% over the last 45 years. That is why the issue of mental health is becoming such a pressing issue all over the world. This area has been neglected for years all over the world, but it should be remembered that untreated mental health disorders are a huge burden for the patient and his or her immediate environment.
How to take care of your mental health?
We can take care of our mental health just like any other aspect of our body.
- Nutrition – proper nutrition has a significant impact on both physical and mental condition. Providing adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals in the form of food on a daily basis is much more beneficial for our psyche than their supply in synthetic form. It is also related to differences in the absorption of these compounds. However, it is not only what we eat that is of great importance for our mental health, but also how we provide the body with the necessary ingredients. Therefore, you should pay attention to the size of the portions of meals, the frequency of eating them and the way you take them. Therefore, it is also important to be in a hurry while eating, which can have a stressful effect on the body. Rational nutrition also includes taking care of proper hydration and giving up stimulants, which certainly do not help to maintain mental health in the long run. To support the nervous system, it is worth reaching for products containing B vitamins, e.g. eggs, poultry, fish, nuts and seeds, legumes or spinach. It is also important to have an adequate supply of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, the source of which is primarily fish and vegetable oils.
- Adequate sleep – To maintain your mental health, you need to take care of proper sleep hygiene. What matters here is primarily its length, which directly affects the quality. It is assumed that the optimal length of sleep is from 6 to 9 hours, but this also depends on the individual. Lack or insufficient sleep drastically reduces the chances of proper mental health, as it significantly impairs concentration. They can also be the reason for feeling unwell and getting into a bad mood more easily.
- Physical activity – regular physical activity has a significant impact on achieving mental health. Not only does it ensure vigor and maintain a proper figure, but it also increases the release of endorphins, which, by binding to opioid receptors in the central nervous system, have an analgesic effect and significantly elevate the mood. Taking care of physical activity does not necessarily mean practicing competitive sports, so it can take many forms. It is important that it is taken regularly, about 2-3 times a week for at least 40 minutes. Regular exercise allows you to get rid of tension, reduce stress and reduce the feeling of irritation and nervousness.
- Enjoyment of life – Mental health is a balance between body and mind, so in order to maintain it, you need to start appreciating the little things that make you happy. You should also work on keeping a cool head in difficult situations and trying to find the best solution. It is also important to avoid constantly worrying about the future, as we often have no influence on what awaits us at all. Therefore, you should analyze the decisions you make twice, choosing the most rational option. Achieving mental health also means being able to communicate with loved ones, not closing yourself off from talking about problems, and not suffocating your emotions.
- Interpersonal relationships – sometimes people who are in our close environment are a great psychological burden for us. It could be a family member, friend or acquaintance whose behavior is highly unacceptable to us. This state of affairs can result in a mental health disorder, which can have a strong impact on mood. If a person arouses irritation by, for example, constant complaining and an extremely pessimistic attitude to the world, it can seriously strain the mental balance. The best solution, although quite radical, is to cut yourself off from this type of person, because each subsequent meeting can deepen the bad mood and even lead to depression.
- Assertiveness – in order to maintain mental health, it is important to remember about a very important element, which is the ability to say no. Succumbing to peer pressure in spite of oneself can lead to a serious mental imbalance. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn to express your own opinion and set clear boundaries for others. Self-awareness is a very important element in maintaining mental health.
Mental health – risk factors
Risk factors for mental health disorders are mainly stress that is very common nowadays and our daily habits that are repeated every day. For mental health, work-life balance is crucial. This is especially true for people who work remotely from home. It is very easy to blur the line between private life and work. It is also necessary to find time to relax and interact with other people with whom you do not work. Then it is very easy to get some distance.
Comparing yourself to others and criticizing yourself for any failures also has a big impact on your mental health. When we start looking for the positive in every situation, it will be easier for us to overcome the difficulties.
Mental Health – The Most Common Problems
Mental health problems are among the most common causes of disability in the world. The most commonly diagnosed mental health problems include:
- depression;
- neurotic disorders (anxiety and panic attacks);
- dementia;
- sleep disorders and insomnia;
- somatic disorders;
- problems with alcohol and other psychoactive substances;
Symptoms of mental health problems don’t have to appear at the same time. Most often, they can be observed one at a time. It is worth remembering that they are often not very severe, so they do not cause concern at first. They can also appear suddenly and cause shortness of breath and palpitations. In any case, these symptoms should not be underestimated and it is worth going to the doctor, even if, for example, we have problems with sleep for a short time. There are several ways to find help for mental health problems: